
[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:17-02-25] [浏览次数:]
站内链接 点击深度: Inbound links Click on the depth: 越是重要的关键词和页面,越要能够更容易进去看到。 链接数量:一般来讲指向页面链接越多的内页权重越高,如果想突出关键词或某个重要的页面可以让更多的链接指向,反之亦然。 链接位置:可以根据说过用户和蜘蛛浏览网页的习惯,在首部、侧边栏、页脚添加一些重要的链接。 链接保证要畅通,不要出现死链接,否则会影响到蜘蛛爬行和用户体验,要知道这是最可能影响排名的站内优化因素。 The more important keywords and page, the more to be able to more easily go in and see. Number of links: generally speaking the more links to a page of the inside pages weight is higher, if you want to highlight the key words or some important page can let more links pointing to, or vice versa. Location: according to said user and spider web browsing habits, adding in the first, sidebar, footer, some important links. Links to ensure smooth to not appear dead links, otherwise it will affect the spider crawling and user experience, you know this is the site optimization factor may affect the rankings. 二.站外优化 2. Off-site optimization SEO站外优化主要从外链入手,外链是关键词在百度排名中影响的重要因素,优质的外链一定要需要良好的站内信息来维持,否则会被百度判断为作弊。站内外信息优化互补,是SEO中重要的权衡指数。 SEO off-site optimization mainly starts with the outer chain, the chain is the important factors affecting the keywords in baidu ranked, high-quality outside the chain must need to maintain good standing inside information, otherwise will be baidu judgment for cheating. Standing inside and outside the complementary information optimization, is the important measure index of SEO. 发外链 注意相关性 权威性 和 实用性 Hair outside the chain pay attention to the relevant authority and practicality 1、注册几个高权重的博客,例如新浪博客、搜狐博客、网易博客、百度空间甚至QQ空间以及论坛,贴吧。 1, registered a few high weight blog, such as sina, sohu blog, netease blog, baidu space, and even QQ space and BBS, post bar. 2、发布的内容要围绕网站展开(相关性) 2, release around the content of the web site launched (correlation) 3、在发布文章需要带上锚文本,锚文本标准如下:{一般一篇文章建议带3-5个锚文本即可;3个锚文本中,一个主页链接、两个内页链接;以此类推,效果是非常好的。} 3, in the post needs to bring the anchor text, anchor text standard is as follows: {a general article suggest taking 3-5 anchor text can; 3 in the anchor text, a home page link, two inside pages; By analogy, the effect is very good. } 4、名称可以使用关键词作为TITLE。 4, name can use keywords as a TITLE. 5、图片尽量加上ALT标签,增强博客权重。 5, image ALT tag as far as possible, strengthen the blog weights.

