
[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:17-03-09] [浏览次数:]
摘 要: Pick to: 网站推广是网站优化重要的环节之一,怎样才能做好网站推广呢?网站推广需要注意的地方有哪些?接下来就跟着老渔哥小编一起探讨下吧: Website promotion is one of the important link of website optimization, how to do website promotion? Website promotion need to pay attention to what? Then followed the old brother fishing under the small make up to discuss: 搜索引擎不能对图片进行识别,首页做成flash,不仅不利于搜索引擎排名,不利于优化,而且还影响网页打开的速度,在用户体验上是很不友好的。 Search engines can't identify images, made the flash homepage, go against search engine rankings, not only conducive to optimization, but also affect the speed of web page open, on the user experience is very unfriendly. 一、不要把导航做成图片连接 A, don't make navigation a picture connection 因为搜索引擎是一个很大的数据库,而不是一个图片库,搜索引擎首页搜索引擎到的是你的标题,接着才通过你的导航系统搜索到你网站的其他内页,所以如果你的网站导航是文字连接,搜索引擎就很容易搜索到你其他的页面,使网站的整体形象能够完美展示,如果图片连接则不能达到这个效果。如果你的栏目是“视频服务器”、“视频监控方案”等栏目。为了美观都把他们做成图片,这样对优化是很不利的,因为搜索引擎现在还不能识别图片和Flash。所以,导航一定还是要弄成文字的形式的。美观的方面可以用css来实现。 Because the search engine is a very large database, rather than a photo gallery, search engine, search engine home page to your title, then search through your navigation system to the other inside pages of your site, so if your site navigation is text links, search engines can easily search for the rest of your pages, make the whole image of the site can perfect show, if the image link cannot achieve this effect. If your program is "video server" and "video monitoring scheme" and other columns. In order to beautiful and make them into a picture, so to optimize is bad, because the search engine now also does not recognize pictures and Flash. So, navigation must be or want to get into a form of words. Aesthetic aspects can be done with CSS. 二、首页不能为了美观而大量使用图片 Second, the page cannot be used in order to beautiful, a lot of pictures 所有的搜索引擎都喜欢结构清晰,而不喜欢把网站做成一张皮,让搜索引擎分不清你的重点所在。所以,一个清晰地网站结构和链接结构对蜘蛛的爬取和收录是很重要的。 All search engines like structure is clear, and don't like your site to make a piece of skin, make the key of the search engine can't tell you. So, a clear website structure and the link structure of spiders crawl and collected is very important. 三、不要去做搜索引擎首页以后的广告 Three, do not do search engine home page ads in the future 经常浏览百度的人就会发现,遇到一些热门的关键词,如监控厂家,高清网络监控等热门关键词,前四五页就是推广的。前三可以拦截80%的客户和流量,第一页可以拦截60%的客户和流量,第二页的点击机会只有20%到30%,更不要说第三第四页了,一句话,没效果、白扔钱、不见效果。 Often browse baidu can discover, encounter some popular keywords, such as monitoring, high-definition network monitoring and other popular keywords, is promoting the first four five pages. 80% in the first three can intercept and flow of customers, the first page and flow can block 60% of the customers, click on the second page of the opportunity is only 20% to 20%, not to mention the third page 4, in a word, no effect, waste of money, not see effect. 四、外链平台的选择及发布 Four, selection of outer chain platform and release 发布外链的作用是为了给网站导流、增加网站的曝光度。有些做推广的人员为了图完成任务、短期内见效果,就一味的、大量的发布外链文章(在文章中添加目标网站的URL链接和关键词的堆砌)等,这样反而会适得其反,严重的话会影响到网站的排名和权重等。所以,外链文章是一个长期累积的过程,不要求快、求量,还是需要有个度。 Released outside the chain effect is to site training, increase website visibility. Do some promotion of staff in order to complete the task graph, the short-term effect, just blindly, a large number of articles published outside the chain (target website URL link is added in the article and the keyword stack), etc., so it will backfire, serious word will affect the site's ranking and weights, etc. So, outside the chain is a long-term process of accumulation, does not require fast, asks the quantity, still need to have a degree. 总 结: Total: 网站推广需要注意的地方有哪些?以上四点就是我们在网站推广中常见的、需要注意的,当然不仅仅是我所说的以上几点,网站推广要注意的地方还有很多很多。 Website promotion need to pay attention to what? More than four points is common in our website promotion, it should be noted that, of course, is not just what I said above, there are a lot of a lot of website promotion should pay attention to the places.

