
[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:17-04-24] [浏览次数:]

虽然目前多数企业对于网络营销是有一定的认知度,但是多数的企业老板的理解还是比较片面的,那么企业应该如何看待网络营销呢?东莞网站推广下面为大家分享下。 Although the majority of enterprises to network marketing has certain awareness, but most of the bosses of understanding is one-sided, then how should the enterprise network marketing? Dongguan website promotion below for sharing.   广东牛魔网络站化公司为我们浅述网站优化三要素如下: Guangdong cattle demon network station company for our this website optimization three elements as follows:   1、对用户需求、对手、行业关键词、企业资源进行全面分析。确定网站主要栏目、特色栏目。 1, keywords to user demand, competitors, industry, enterprise resources to conduct a comprehensive analysis. Determine the website column, the characteristic columns.   2、网站内部基础优化要完善,最基本的几点先要做好,例如:用nofollow将无关页面排除、做好网站地图以便搜索引擎充分收录、控制文章页内链数量并提高相关 性;其次,如何使权重在网站内部得到有效传递,并通过内链合理运用有力提升众多大量长尾词单页面排名能力,是结构优化的关键。 2, website optimization to improve the internal foundation, the most basic points should be first, for example, has nothing to do with nofollow page out make good site map to search engine, and included within the chain, control the article page number and improve the related; Second, how to transfer the weight inside the site effectively, and through the chain reasonable use powerful ascension many many long tail word single page ranking ability, is the key to structure optimization.   3、建设可读的内容策略,确保网站的鲜活。大型网站光靠自己编辑发布文章是远远不能达到行业话题广泛覆盖要求的,最好还有业内专家贡献高质量内容,并能激励用户主动贡献长尾内容。问答系统、 论坛系统、百科系统都是必不可少的。在页面更新机制上,网站可调动用户积极性,促使网友留言和交流。优质的留言和评论是网站十分宝贵的内容,在页面功能上 要能对这些评论给予提前或突出显示,以便于新访客浏览。 3, construction readable content strategy, to ensure the site alive. Large sites on their editorial published article is far cannot meet the requirements of industry topic coverage, the best contribution high-quality content and the expert inside course of study, and can motivate active contribution to the long tail. Question answering system, BBS system, an system are indispensable. On the page to update mechanism, the website can arouse the enthusiasm of the user, and prompted the netizen message and communication. High-quality messages and comments are website very valuable content, need to be able to give the comments on page function or highlight in advance, so that new visitors to browse.   品牌的打造,网络营销能够为企业带来最大的好处莫过于,通过互联网快速曝光企业品牌知名度了,现在中国制造面临的最大问题,就是没有品牌,说句实在的,国产的产品并不比国外的差,但是就是没有品牌,所以这个在很大的程度上阻碍了企业的快速发展,但是通过线下去打造品牌,无疑所需要花费的资金是非常庞大的,相信很多中小型企业是难以接受的,而互联网就不同,在互联网上曝光品牌就不用花费昂贵的资金,完全可以采取低沉本高效率的营销方式,小米手机就是利用互联网快速打造品牌的。 Brand building, network marketing can bring the biggest benefit for the enterprise, through the Internet quickly exposing corporate brand awareness, made in China, the biggest problem facing now is that there is no brand, to say the truth, domestic products are not inferior to abroad, but is that there is no brand, so that to a large extent hindered the rapid development of the enterprise, but by line down to build a brand, there is no doubt the cost of capital is very large, believes that many small and medium-sized enterprise is hard to accept, and, the Internet is different on the Internet brand is not expensive, completely can take the low efficient marketing methods, millet mobile phone is using the Internet to quickly build a brand.

