
[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:17-07-17] [浏览次数:]
1、SEO并不完全等于流量 1, SEO is not exactly the same as traffic 某些站长错误的以为SEO就是流量,但我为什么会说这种想法是错误的呢,因为SEO优化是一个长期而漫长的过程,优化后不能立马起到作用,所以我们要坚持。SEO的优化结果与很多因素有关,SEO并不完全等于流量,一定要保证链接与空间的稳定性,内容的原创性,一步一步的做好,网站就能被我们优化好。 Some webmasters wrong thought that SEO is the traffic, but why do I say this is wrong, for SEO optimization is a long and slow process, optimization can't immediately after work, so we have to insist. SEO optimization result is related to many factors, SEO is not completely equal to traffic, must assure the stability of the link and space, original content, step by step, the site can be our good optimization. 2、优化要从正反方面来考虑 2. Optimization should be considered in positive and negative aspects 蜘蛛根本就不欣赏我们人类所欣赏的视频,蜘蛛很讨厌,因为蜘蛛本身是无法识别视频的。网页中的视频会让网站的加载速度变慢,这样一来,当用户打开含有视频的网页时,便会影响用户的体验度;从另一方面来说,视频吸引用户的眼球,所以便增加了用户的体验度,让人难以抉择是否该选择网页视频动画。这时我们不得不做出一些决策来:增加关键词的密度(提升关键词的排名),切记密度不得过大,最好控制在8%以内;导出链接(增加友情链接),切记导出的链接最好控制在35个以内。要做到正反合理考虑,才能优化出好网站。 Spiders don't appreciate the video that we humans appreciate. Spiders hate them because they can't recognize video. Video in the web page slows down the loading of the site so that when the user opens a page containing video, it affects the user's experience. On the other hand, video attracts users' eyeballs, so that the user's experience can be increased, making it difficult to choose whether to choose the video animation. At this time, we have to make some decisions: increase the density of keywords (improve the ranking of keywords), remember that the density should not be too large, and the best control is within 8%. Export links (add links to links), and remember that the links you export are best kept within 35. To be reasonable and reasonable, you can optimize the website. 3、SEO的对象是用户 The target of SEO is the user 大家对SEO理解是网站优化,优化的主要目的是为了将网站排名提升,以及用什么样的优化手法才是王道等等。曾经我使用过不正当的优化手法,例如关键词的堆砌以及桥页等等,刚开始效果不错,但是没过多久,网站又被打回了原型,经过哪些教训,让我们明白这样的方法不能再使用。其实这样做并不能得到长久的发展,网站排到第一名又怎样,网站的跳出率并不高。左思右想,终于搜索引擎的更新给了我一个很好的提示,那就是用户的体验度。抓住了用户的体验度,排名和盈利都跟着上去。只要我们抓住用户的体验度,让更多的用户访问你网页,你所做的工作将是事半功倍。 SEO understanding is the website optimization, the main purpose of the optimization is to improve the ranking of websites, and what kind of optimization techniques are used to be the king dao and so on. Once I've used improper optimization technique, such as the stack keywords and bridge page, etc., work well at first, but before long, the website is back to the prototype, through what lessons, let us understand this method cannot be used again. In fact, it can't be done in the long run, the website is ranked first, and the rate of the website is not high. At last, the search engine's update gives me a good reminder that the user experience. Capturing the user's experience, ranking and profitability follow. As long as we grab the user's experience and get more users to visit your web page, what you're doing is going to be half the effort.

