
[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:17-08-11] [浏览次数:]
第一招:网站内容策略 The first recruit: website content strategy   1、丰富网站的内容:把网站内容搞丰富起来,这是非常重要的,网站内容越丰富,说明你的网站越专业,用户喜欢,搜索引擎也喜欢。 1. Enrich the content of the website: it is very important to enrich the content of the website. The more content the content of the website is, the more professional the website is, the more users like it and the search engines like it.   2、增加部分原创内容:因为采集系统促使制作垃圾站变成了生产垃圾站,所以完全没有原创内容的网站,尽管内容丰富,搜索引擎也不会很喜欢。所以一个网站,尽量要有一部分原创内容。 2, increasing the part of the original content: because acquisition system prompted a dumpster into production dump, so no original content of the website, although rich in content, search engines won't like it very much. So a website, try to have some original content.   第二招:网页细节的优化和完善 Secondly, the optimization and perfection of web page details   1、title和meta标签的优化:按照SEO的标准,把网站的所有title和meta标签进行合理的优化和完善,以达到合理的状态。切记:千万不要盲目的在title中堆积关键词,这是大部分人经常翻的错误。一个真正SEO的非常合理的网站,是一个看不出有刻意优化痕迹的网站。站长论坛 1. Optimization of title and meta tags: make reasonable optimization and improvement of all title and meta tags of the website according to SEO standards to achieve reasonable status. Remember: don't blindly accumulate keywords in title, which is a mistake most people often turn over. A very reasonable website for real SEO is a website that doesn't see any signs of optimizing. Webmaster BBS   2、网页排版的规划化:主要是合理的使用H1、strong、alt等标签,在网页中合理的突出核心关键词。切记:千万不要把网页中所有的图片都加上alt注释,只需要将最重要的图片,不如产品图片,人物图片加上合理的说明就OK。 2. The planning of web page layout: it is mainly reasonable to use H1, strong, Alt and other labels to highlight the core keywords reasonably in the web page. Remember: don't include all the images in the web page with Alt annotations, just the most important ones, not as good as the product pictures, the pictures of the characters and the reasonable explanation.   第三招:网站地图制作和提交这个步骤我以前写过详细的教程,大家可以到以下网站学习。(网址被省略)首页看下的`老鸟就免了` I have written a detailed tutorial before, and you can learn from the following websites. Url (omitted) home page to see the forgave ` ` veteran

