
[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:17-12-25] [浏览次数:]

As for the industry of web design, this industry is not mature in China. It has a close relationship with the country's economy and culture. We can't compare with Europe, America and Korea, they have strong economic strength, and design this thing can only produce value in the era of economic development or economically developed cities. The design is to promote the productivity of marketing. As long as it is a visual design class, there is a common place to convey information to business services. The same is true of web design. How to stand the heel in this chaotic market and move on the next step. Please look at the following text
1. Functional planning
Well, in the first section, we first talk about the function planning. First of all, you have to have a clear goal and position, so that the way back will be good. The design of the optical web page is very detailed. Because the needs and conditions of each enterprise are different, the requirements for this position are also different. A good company as long as you are the same, the general company will ask you a few.
It is roughly divided into these pieces:
Information architecture
这个属于策划型,一般门户网站需要,对产品策划和用户体验都需要有深入的了解,这个偏重的是策划能力,要有良好的逻辑思维,主要的工作任务是:组织信息 规划栏目布局相关的工作 视觉设计
This belongs to the planning, the general portal needs, need to have a deep understanding of the product and user experience, this is the emphasis on planning ability, have good logical thinking, the main tasks are: organization information column planning layout related visual design
这个理论上讲是属于艺术型,其实名曰商业艺术。2者还是不同的,对于网页设计来讲这块需求量是非常大的,现在人们越来越重视美观,而且要求越来越高。不管是门户网站,还是企业网站,FLASH全站(互动设计)这个角色的占有率是很大的。关于视觉这块先天性因素占的很多,天生的色彩感觉,创意能力。还要有良好的艺术修养,入职后还要对商业有深刻理解,明白商业设计的核心原则,如何将你的个性和商业目地完美结合是最重要的。主要的工作任务是:设计风格定位 图标UI界面设计 前端制作
This theory is an artistic type, actually called commercial art. The 2 are still different. For web design, this demand is very big. Now people pay more and more attention to beauty and demand more and more. Whether it is a portal or an enterprise website, the share of the FLASH total station (Interactive Design) is very large. A lot of the congenital factors of the vision, the natural color feeling, the creative ability. Good artistic accomplishment and deep understanding of business after entering the office will be the most important thing to understand the core principles of business design and how to integrate your personality and business objectives perfectly. The main task is: design style positioning icon UI interface design front-end production
说到这个职位,市场上逐渐增多。恩,这个属于纯技术型。最初级的就是切片和制作HTML,不要小看这个,以为这个没什么技术含量,其实这个技术含量也是很高,要符合标准和各个游览器的兼容也不是件很容易的事情,一般切片和制作HTML划入网页视觉设计师的范畴。应该属于附属职能,视觉设计做到一定的级别,这个无需理会。具体根据公司的要求决定。然后高级一点应用就是JS,AJAX……等,主要的工作任务是:页面实现 优化) 其它职能
Speaking of this position, the market is increasing. Well, this is purely technical. The primary is to slice and making HTML, do not underestimate this, think this is no what technical content, the technical content is very high, to meet the EMC standards and each tour is not easy, the general section and make HTML into the category of "visual designer. It should be affiliated to the function of visual design to achieve a certain level, this is not to be ignored. It is determined according to the requirements of the company. And then the advanced application is JS, AJAX... And so on, the main task is: Page Optimization) other functions
For example, UI design. User experience, FLASH interactive design, and no detailed explanation here, this article is only for web design.
Two seats.
OK! The second section, we begin to talk about the emphasis of this article, and pay attention to the experience and skills of looking for work. There are several levels to provide solutions.
1. novice
Hey, everybody has for the first time, don't be nervous, ha ha ^_^. Natural point, in fact, nothing, is not to go to the interview, the courage to be big, to have such a thought, in charge of his, is to drink tea, talk about what. In addition to self-confidence or self-confidence, more important is the passion for work with strong interest, to have the ideal. About appearance, don't make it too formal. You're not going to interview sales. At any point we should have their own personality, self introduction, where people, what professional. The tone of speech must have affinity. Smile on the face. Try to be punctual about the time for the interview. It's too bad to be early and later. Don't write your resume, and the language is simple. Well, in general, they just take the U disk to copy their works, hee hee, have the conditions to bring their notebooks to show their works, and enhance self-confidence on material basis.
At this time, we should take the study as the goal, and should fully consider whether the current job is good for the future career planning. The first point is the ability to identify, to have a certain understanding of yourself and the company. Your own position and current ability are suitable for the position of the company. In the early period, we should have a preliminary understanding of the company. Only by understanding the needs of both sides can we have a balance. Must the condemnation, even a little low wages, but also not too much, this time is the second stage is the salary. Well, you have to interview a few companies, when you have to pay attention to a few, some companies lack integrity, or the conditions are harsh. Such a company does not have to pay attention to it.
面试你的人,平常有3类。HR人事,部门主管,经理。对于HR面试,主要是对人品的测试,一般大点的公司会有这样的流程。小的公司就是直接老板面试,如果OK,马上就上班!部门主管的面试,其实是最最关键的,为什么人事不是关键呢,对于技术岗位一般都是以技术部门为标准。首先你要容易相处,健谈,但不要说的太多了,幽默风趣,这样主管会觉得你和技术团队相处融洽。要知道不是你一个人在工作。专业能力方面,这个比重占的太多,如果你技术不过关,谈再多都是扯谈。这个阶段的薪资参考:2000-3000左右(上海 北京 深圳为例)
There are 3 types of people who interview you. HR personnel, department head, manager. For the HR interview, it is mainly the test of the human quality, and the larger company will have such a process. The small company is the direct boss interview, if OK, immediately go to work! The interview of the Department Manager is actually the most critical. Why is the personnel not the key, and the technical post is generally the standard for the technical post. First of all, you have to be easy to get along with, to be talkative, but not to say too much, humorous, so the supervisor will feel that you get along well with the technical team. You need to know that you are not working alone. In terms of professional ability, this proportion is too much, if you do not pass the technology, talk more about it. Salary reference at this stage: About 2000-3000 (for example, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai)

