
[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:17-01-17] [浏览次数:]
最近发现发现有部分企业领导不重视网站、对网站建设和网站运营不了解,下面针对这些对网站建设、网站运营、网络营销不懂的企业,总结了以下10条流程,看看就全都明白了! Found recently discovered some corporate leadership attaches great importance to the site, the site construction and site operation don't understand, for these below to website building, website, network marketing companies don't understand, summarized the following 10 process, look at all understand! 1.一定要做网站规划方案 1. Be sure to do the site planning 一个网站成功与否,与建站前的规划息息相关。不要小看这一步。只有详细的规划,才能避免在网站建设中出现的很多问题,使网站建设能顺利进行。在网站建立前,一定要明确做网站的目的,确定需要的功能,确定网站规模、投入费用,进行必要的市场分析等。只有详细的规划,才能避免在网站建设中出现的很多问题,才能达到预期的目标。 A website success or not, is closely related with the plan of building the station. Don't look down on this step. Only detailed planning, can avoid many of the problems that appear in the website construction, make the website construction can proceed smoothly. In front of the site set up, must be clear do website, the purpose of determining required functionality, determine site scale, investment cost, make the necessary market analysis, etc. Only detailed planning, can avoid many of the problems that appear in the website construction, in order to achieve the desired goal. 2.选择一个好域名 2. Choose a good domain name 域名也是非常重要的,好记易懂,好的域名不仅能给网站带来更多流量,还会升值,直接给你带来利润。直接使用单词当然是好方法,英语单词与缩写的组合,英语单词与汉语拼音的组合,汉语拼音及缩写,数字,数字单词谐音等等也都不失为一道可行路径。关键是简单、易懂、好记。 Domain name is also very important, easy to remember to understand, a good domain name can not only bring more traffic to websites, will also rise, it is profitable to direct. Direct use of words is a good way, of course, the combination of English words and abbreviations, the combination of English words and Chinese pinyin, hanyu pinyin and abbreviations, digital, digital word harmonics and so on are also can yet be regarded as a feasible path. The key is simple, and easy to understand, easy to remember. 3.选一个好的网站建设公司 3. Choose a good web site construction company 选择网站建设服务商不能只看价格。堆一个网站出来没有多少难度,关键在于建站服务商的开发水平和维护能力,这不是一眼就能看出来的。开发上,要考察建站服务商的网站策划、网页设计和网站开发的能力,可以通过观察对方提供的案例来推测。维护上,要看服务商使用的服务器是否稳定可靠、后期的更新维护、SEO推广 等。一味贪便宜,就会掉入价格陷阱。 Choose the website construction service providers can not only see the price. Pile out a website don't have much difficulty, is the key to build the service level of development and maintenance capabilities, it's not on sight. The development to investigate site service website planning, web design and web development ability, can offer case to speculate that by looking at each other. Maintenance, want to look at providers use server is stable and reliable, later maintenance, SEO promotion, etc. Always keen on gaining petty advantages, the price will fall into the trap. 4. 选择一个稳定的网站主机做过网站的朋友都知道,选择一台合适、稳定的服务器,是建立一个好网站的重要前提,对于后期的网站推广至关重要。对于如何选择主机空间,企业网站基本选择500兆的空间。 4. Select a stable web host done web friends know, choose a suitable and stable server, is an important premise to build a good website, is vital for later website promotion. For how to choose the host space, enterprise website basic choose 500 million space.

