
[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:17-01-21] [浏览次数:]
在日常生活中,那些包装良好,外形出彩的东西总是会吸引我们的注意力,其实网站也是如此,设计优秀的网站除了给人留下良好的印象外,也能方便顾客更快捷的找到需要的内容。那么,怎样的设计是好的设计呢,今天,就由小编来为大家讲解一下。 In daily life, the packing is good, the appearance of the things will attract our attention, actually website also is so, design a good site in addition to make a good impression to the person, also can find the content of the need to convenience of our customers more efficient. So, how to design is good, today, let small make up to explain for everybody. 1 1 简洁 concise 很多人做网站的时候总喜欢把页面堆得满满的,觉得这样看起来充实有内容,殊不知这其实适得其反。在同一个版面中同时有大量的信息会让人眼花缭乱,无法迅速的找到自己想要的东西,从而失去继续浏览的兴趣。 A lot of people always like the page when doing site pile was full, feel that seems to enrich the content, but it actually backfire. In the same space at the same time there are a lot of information can make a person dazzling, unable to quickly find what they want, to lose interest in continue browsing. 好的网站应该繁简得当,可以让访客浏览一遍就明白每个版块的功能作用,所以在设计的时候,务必考虑清楚自己想要展示什么,访客需要什么,明确每个区域的定位,在增加或者删减某个部分的时候事先思考清楚该部分增加了之后会不会显得多余,删减后会不会让版面有所欠缺。总的来说,网页的设计应该是信息的有技巧展示,宜简不宜繁。 Good site should and simplified properly, can let visitors through the will understand the function of each section, so in the design, it is important to consider to be clear about what you want to show, what visitors need, clear positioning, each region in increasing or reducing a part in advance think clearly when the part will increase after the redundant, after feeding would layout. In general, the design of web page there should be information skills, appropriate Jane is numerous. 2 2 图片格式 Image format 凸显企业文化,展现公司业务,乃至于美化页面环境,一个合格的网站必然少不了各式图片。图片怎么用呢?说简单也简单,往网站上添加就好。但对网站图片的掌握又不是这么的简单,图片的大小,清晰度,都影响着网站的整体质量。 Highlight corporate culture, show business, but also beautify the environment page a qualified site involve forsaking all kinds of images. Picture how to do? Simple is also a simple, added to the site. But the master of the site pictures is not so simple, picture size, clarity, affects the overall quality of the site. 网站图片的第一要点就是清晰,不清晰的图片不仅影响信息的传达,还可能影响浏览者的心情,试想当一名访客想从一张图片上获取他感兴趣的价格套餐却发现图片模糊的只能看到一团色块的时候,他还会继续在该网站浏览吗?而就算只是一张无关紧要的装饰图片,糟糕的画质一样会影响美观。(如图所示) Your first points of the image is clear, no clear images not only affects the transmission of information, may also affect your mood, just think when a visitor want to obtain from a picture he is interested in pricing only to find the fuzzy picture can only see one color piece, he will also continue browsing in the website? And even if it doesn't matter is just a piece of the adornment picture, poor quality will affect beautiful. (as shown) 图片的大小合适一样重要。这里说的大小指的是图片所占空间,所占空间越大的图片读取时越费劲,对于网速不好的访客,过大的图片造成的过长网页读取时间可能会让他们直接放弃继续打开该网页。但一般来讲,图片越小,画面质量就越差,因此,如何利用图片优化工具做出体积与清晰度皆可以接受的图片也是网站制作的一项重要工作。 The size of the pictures are as important as appropriate. Here refers to the size of the pictures of the space, the greater the space occupied by the picture when it is read, the more difficult, for visitors to the Internet connection is bad, caused by the big picture too long web page read time may let them directly to give up continue to open the web page. But generally speaking, the smaller the image, the picture quality is poor, therefore, how to make use of image optimization tools to make size and resolution are acceptable image's website to make an important job. 3 3 合适的排版 The appropriate layout 除开图片,网站必不可少的另一个元素就是文字。根据企业的行业类型,自我定位来选择风格合适的字体,一般建议使用可以在不同浏览器,系统中兼容的字体,即网络安全字体。而网站整体应该保持字体风格的一致,并有效区分标题及段落内容。 Images in a web site is another essential element text. Depending on the type of industry enterprise, positions itself to choose suitable font style, can generally recommended to use in different browsers, system compatible with the font, font that network security. And overall site should maintain the same font style, and effectively distinguish between the title and content of the paragraph. 合适的行间距,页边距,字体大小同样影响网页观看效果,切记不能为了图方便而使用过小或者过大的字体,字体太小会让人眼睛疲劳,字体太大则会给人以突兀感。一个页面中不要放进太多的文字,这样容易让人失去阅读的欲望。 Suitable line spacing and margins, font size also influence web viewing effect, bear in mind that cannot be used for the sake of convenience is too small or too large fonts, font is too small can let a person eye fatigue, font is too big, can give a person with sudden move. Don't put too much in a page of text, so easy to let people lost the desire to read.

