
[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:17-02-07] [浏览次数:]
很多客户在咨询网站时,都觉得做一个便宜的模版性网站好,因为觉得模版网站跟定制的网站价格相差很大,他们只是一个简单的企业网站,应该用模版就可以了,并且这些模板性网站成本比较划算。但是我们却建议大家选择定制性网站。 下面给大家分析一下具体有因。   1、首先大家要明白什么是模板自助建站和定制开发?模板建站就是已经有了做好了的网站,只是内容和企业logo等等不是你公司的信息,他们会根据你所提供的相关信息进行匹配套入进去。所以很多时候会出现雷同现象,只是网站的内容和企业不同而已。   2、模版网站的程序被很多网站重复使用后,您的网站上传了自己的资料,但是也是不便于优化的,那么我们做网站的初衷不就是希望能在网站上宣传自己的公司,那么在如此浩瀚的互联网中如何能让客户找到您呢,肯定要通过推广和优化,这样的话我们就必须要选择定制网站了。   3、一般模板网站框架结构都是固定的,功能延展几乎不能扩展,对于选用的模板,用户无法对其进行独立、随意地编辑,更不能导入自定义模板,利用这样共享技术设计出来的页面,往往是一个呆板而雷同的页面,难以让人接受。   4、模版网站所不具备的另一定制网站的优势是,我们在进行定制开发的过程中,会设置大量网站关键词,建立网站优化,这些在我们做程序的时候都会加进去的,我们不是简单的建站公司,我们更要从营销的角度为您建站。如果做一个网站没人能看到,那我们建站也是没有意义的。而且我们会根据您的需求,从首页到内页的设计过程中,我们与客户充分共同,根据公司的特点打造出有公司特色的企业网站,使您在同行业中脱颖而出。   5、模版网站与定制的网站在外观上是很难辨别的,但是市场上很多模版公司并不是真正的软件开发公司,而是代理软件模版的公司,一种模版会卖给很多人,这样的网站毫无新意,千篇一律,一般都是比较传统的网站模版,一个行业里很多公司会用同一种模版,这样当您的客户通过搜索引擎搜索到您的公司的时候,第一印象肯定会大打折扣。   从公司的长远发展考虑,建议大家选择定制性网站,专业定制建站可在建站过程中更加便于企业宣传,开展网络营销。 Many customers in the consultation website, all think to do a good, cheap template sex website because think template site with custom website prices vary considerably, they are just a simple website, should use the template is ok, and the template site it costs cheaper. But we suggest you choose custom site. For everyone to look at the below a specific cause. 1, first you have to understand what is the template self-build and custom development? Template website is already have ready website, content and enterprise logo, and so on is not only your company's information, they will according to the information provided by you for supporting in the horse. So a lot of time will appear similar phenomenon, just different from the content of the site and the enterprise. 2, template site procedures by many web sites, after repeated use your website to upload their data, but also is not easy to optimize, so the purpose of the site is not we do is hope to promote themselves on the site of the company, then in such a vast Internet how can allow customers to find you, must be through the promotion and optimization, so we must choose custom site. 3 are fixed, the general template website frame structure, function extension can hardly extensions, for the chosen template, users can't independent, editor at random, more can't import custom templates, using such sharing technology designed page, is often a dull and of the same page, unacceptable. 4, what template website does not have the other is the advantage of a custom website, we are in the process of customized development, will set up a large number of site keywords, website optimization, these will be added when we do procedure, we is not a simple website company, we must from the perspective of marketing for your website. No one could see a web site, if do that our site is of no significance. And we will according to your demand, from the home page to the inside pages of the design process, we are fully together with customers, according to the characteristics of the company make a website with company characteristics, to make you stand out in the same industry. 5, template site in appearance with a custom web site is difficult to discern, but on the market a lot of template is not really a software development company, but the agent software template of the company, a template will sell a lot of people, such a site, machine-made, are generally more traditional website templates, a lot of companies in an industry will use the same template, so that when your customers through search engines search to your company, the first impression will be discounted. Considering from the company's long-term development, it is recommended that you select custom website, professional custom site can be more convenient for enterprises in the process of website propaganda, carry out the network marketing.

