
[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:17-02-09] [浏览次数:]
随着互联网的高速发展,越来越多的移动设备接入互联网,通过手机、平板电脑等移动设备上网的人已经远远超过了PC端的用户。因此,有很多中小企业已经逐渐认识到了移动互联网的重要性,并积极的推出了移动网站。SEO论坛从八个方面为大家详细分析一下影响移动网站优化的要素: With the high-speed development of Internet, more and more mobile devices connected to the Internet, mobile phones, tablets, mobile devices such as the Internet has far more than the PC users. Therefore, there are a lot of small and medium-sized enterprises have gradually realized the importance of the mobile Internet, and actively introduced a mobile web site. SEO BBS for everyone from eight aspects detailed analysis of the influence elements of a mobile web site optimization: 一、域名 A, domain name,   与PC网站一样,域名越短越好。一个好的移动网站域名,不仅要让人容易记忆,易于输入,而且还能方便地让用户向其他人推荐。短域名更容易让用户更加直观地了解网站的主旨。 With PC web site, domain name as short as possible. A good mobile web site domain name, should not only make people easy to remember, easy to enter, but also easily let users recommend to others. Short domain names are more likely to let users more intuitive understanding of the subject of the website.   二、服务器 Second, the server   中小企业在选择服务器时,一定务必选择正规空间服务商,避免与大量的垃圾网站共用IP,一个站点一个服务器IP最佳,这样可以保证网站访问的畅通和稳定性。 Small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) in the server, the choice must be sure to choose the normal space, avoid Shared IP, with a lot of rubbish web site a site a best server IP, so that we can ensure smooth site access and stability.   三、加载速度: Three, loading speed:   提升网站的加载速度,需要从以下几个角度来考虑: Improve website loading speed, need to consider from the following angles: 1、合并文件 1, merge files   合并文件是通过把所有的脚本放到一个文件中来减少HTTP请求的方法,如可以简单地把所有的CSS文件都放到一个样式表中。 Merge file is by putting all the scripts in a file to reduce HTTP request methods, such as simply put all CSS files in a stylesheet. 2、CSS Sprites 2, CSS Sprites CSS Sprites是减少图像请求的有效方法。把所有的背景图像都放到一个图片文件中,然后通过CSS的background-image和background-position属性来显示图片的不同部分。 CSS Sprites is one of the effective methods to reduce the request. Put all the background image to an image file, and then through CSS background image and background - position attribute to display different parts of the image. 3、开启Gziip压缩 3, open Gziip compression Gziip压缩所有可能的文件类型,是减少文件体积、增加用户体验的简单方法,它可以减少约70%的响应规模。 Gziip all possible types of files, the compression is to reduce the file size, the simple way to increase the user experience, it can reduce about 70% of the response. 4、外部调用JavaScript和CSS 4, external call JavaScript and CSS   把JavaScript和CSS封装,作为外部文件调用,减少网页中源代码的体积。 The JavaScript and CSS encapsulation, call as an external file, reduce the volume of web pages source code. 5、图片大小优化 5, the picture size optimization   尽量把jpg、gif格式图片转化成png格式,尽量使用png8。 As far as possible the JPG, GIF images into PNG format, as far as possible use png8. 6、删除网页代码中多余的空行、空格和注释; 6, deleting redundant blank lines in web page code, whitespace and comments;   在网站发布之前,对于网页中的空白、空行和注释代码等无意义的内容进行删除,有利于减少网页字节,节省搜索引擎蜘蛛的爬行时间。 Before post, empty, empty lines and comments for a web page code meaningless contents such as delete, help reduce page bytes, save search engine spiders crawling time.

